Saturday, September 24, 2011

Don Quincy de la Mangement: The Life and Adventures of the Most Strategic, Integrated and Aligned Servant of the Public

Don Quincy de la Mangement: The Life and Adventures of the Most Strategic, Integrated and Aligned Servant of the Public Review

Don Quincy de la Mangement: The Most Strategic, Integrated and Aligned Servant of the Public - is a parody within parodies of the classic story of Don Quixote. The hero of this tale loses his wits not from the excesses of chivalry and knighthood, but from undue exposure to government memos, briefing notes, emails, presumptions of public administration, and contradictions in management systems and hierarchies. Don Quincy de la Management satirizes modern management theories in a way that resonates particularly with life in the civil service, but touches the soul of all who have imagined something better in a heavy administrative setting. The book also amuses lovers of the classic who see its application to life in the 21st century. From the Author’s Preface and sycophantic Dedication to Oprah and her Book Club to the fanciful reviews, each section and chapter honors episodes in Don Quixote’s adventures and echoes the cadence of Cervantes voice in sardonic combinations that illustrate the absurdity of management theory when spoken in the venue of genuine human interaction.

“A must-read for anyone interested in public policy, management studies, classic Spanish literature,
and wedding showers.”
Adam de Gaulle
Professor of Public Management
and Medieval Studies

“Funny as Hell … but also a little sad.”
John Prestor
The Indies News

“It makes a classic relevant to the irrelevant.”
George M. Komnenos
Trebizond Review

“So, this is what happens from intercourse between great prose
and a comic strip.”
Scottish Adamis
The reader of Dilbert

“Dickens, Melville, Flaubert, Dostoevsky, Joyce,
Garcia Marquez … now this thing.”

“I must keep my aim fixed on the destruction of that ill-founded edifice of the policies of public management, hated by some and praised by many more; for if I succeed in this
will have achieved no small success”
The Author mumbling to Himself

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