Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Adventures Of Molten Man

The Adventures Of Molten Man Review

Famous superhero, Molten Man, is tired of the steady stream of Super Groupies that compete for his attention. Where can he find a normal girl that will be satisfied dating his everyday persona, landscape architect Brad Compton?

Look, up in the sky! Is that a girl hanging from a broken I-beam? As if in answer to Brad's wish, Paige Weller literally drops into his waiting arms. Before the evening is over, she's invited him up to her apartment for some red hot loving.

Paige Weller is a lot of things, but one thing the accident-prone market analyst is not, is a Super Groupie. Feats of derring-do usually bore her, but when Brad Compton saves her life, she's eternally grateful. Besides, it's been a while since a man who wasn't some kind of mutant asked her out and she's determined not to let Brad get away...

Genres: Science Fiction / Futuristic / Action / Adventure / Superheroes

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